Who we are and how you can contact us
Classics for All may be reached by telephone on 0207 848 4741; our general email is [email protected].
Our Registered Address and office is located at: Room D1, North Wing, King’s College (Strand), London WC2R 2LS
Classics for All is a Registered Charity (no. 1135379) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (no. 7182949)
Legitimate interest statement
Classics for All raises funds for a charitable cause: to introduce and expand the teaching of Classics including Latin, Greek, Ancient History and Classical Civilisation in state primary and secondary schools. We process your personal data because we feel it is of legitimate interest to be able to stay in touch with you so that:
- donors and prospective donors can support our charity and its schools programme
- schools and classics teachers can stay informed about how we can help them expand classics in state schools
- volunteers can get involved with upcoming events and projects
Our aim is to provide timely and accurate information to you in connection with your donations to us or to inform you of opportunities in which you may be interested.
Source of our data
CfA does not purchase databases for any of our school, donor or prospective supporter information.
Information is supplied by
- the people who have approached us through ticket purchases, event attendance, subscription to our Lawyers Group or signing up to our newsletter
- teachers or trainers working with clusters of schools, with our support
- recommendations from committee members or other supporters involved with Classics for All
- volunteers who would like to support our work
In some circumstances we hold information about you which has been gathered from publicly available sources. This may include references to your place of work, directorships you hold, education background or other charity involvement. This helps us understand how we can provide the best experience for our donors and how to best connect with you. We do not actively collect wealth screening information.
What data we collect
Donors and prospective donors:
CONTACT PREFERENCE (Email, Post, Telephone, SMS/Text Message)
Dietary Requirements
EDUCATION (We gather this optional information to help us gain a picture of alumni from the many UK universities that we partner with in our regional classics networks): Degree, University, College, Years, School
WE ALSO HOLD: A historical record of your donations, attendance at our events, and our correspondence with you.
Primary contacts for schools we support:
WE ALSO HOLD: Records of our correspondence
Trainers and other partners in our work:
WE ALSO HOLD: Records of our correspondence and affiliated schools.
CONTACT PREFERENCE (Email, Post, Telephone, SMS/Text Message)
EDUCATION (We gather this optional information to help us gain a picture of alumni from the many UK universities that we partner with in our regional classics networks): Degree, University, College, Years, School
WE ALSO HOLD: A historical record of your attendance at our events, volunteer work completed and our correspondence with you.
How we are using personal data:
- We want to maintain a list of people who have donated to us before, so that we can contact them to ask them to do so again
- We want to keep contact information up to date
- We want to claim gift aid on a person’s donation (when relevant)
- We want to communicate with donors each year about whether they wish their names to be published in our annual donor recognition list (in print and on website)
- We want to give current donors priority booking to events
- We want to keep donors updated about particular areas of need for funding, forthcoming events, and where their money is being spent by sending occasional communications about our schools programme
- We want to maintain a list of people who have explicitly told us that they don’t want us to contact them again
Primary contacts for schools
- To communicate with you about current work we are supporting and/or future opportunities for support
Trainers and other partners
- To communicate with you about current work we are supporting and/or future opportunities to engage your services for school outreach and support
Potential Donors
- We want to maintain a list of people whose names have been referred to us as potentially interested in our charity’s mission
- We want to maintain a list of people who have explicitly told us that they don’t want us to contact them again
- To communicate with you about current work we are supporting and/or future opportunities to engage your services for events, administrative support and outreach
We use information on our Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database solely for our purposes and do not sell or share it with others. We use donors’ banking details to process donations they have made and we do not retain banking details in our CRM or accounting system.
We hold email addresses of our supporters on Mailchimp to send e-newsletters and occasionally publicise news about other Classical activities of interest. We ask permission before adding subscribers’ details, and Mailchimp allows recipients to unsubscribe at any time.
We share your data only with you, on request.
Who has access
Staff and selected volunteers (under supervision) access and update these records through password-protected secure channels with access permission restricted to their area of work. All staff and volunteers go through database training and comply with data protection practices.